Napa Valley CanDo’s Give!Guide 2019
Another fire season. Another set of challenges. While tens of thousands in Napa County were without power, we were never without the energy needed to take care of one another.
November 1-December 31 we can demonstrate how we care by donating to Napa County nonprofits (NPOs) through Napa Valley’s CanDo’s Give!Guide. The easiest way to do a world of good right here at home.
CanDo’s mission is to connect, inspire, and empower neighbors to take positive action in our communities. The Give!Guide does just that. It’s designed by CanDo volunteers to raise awareness and funds for local nonprofits. Through six editions, it’s raised over 1.8 million dollars benefiting 100+ nonprofits. CanDo takes no fee for their efforts.
How It Works:
The Give!Guide provides a convenient type of “armchair charitable giving.” You can do it from your living room sofa while sipping a cup of hot cocoa!
46 nonprofits are showcased in this catalog and its “sister” website ( Eight of them are brand new to the publication. Each features a brief description of the organization’s services, testimonials, business partners, and a handy list of other ways to help. Seven categories include Animals; Arts & Culture; Community; Education; Environment; Health & Wellness and Youth & Seniors.
Donate to a single organization or several with one check or with a credit card or check on the website.
The minimum donation is $10.00. Yes, $10.00.
Let’s Talk About Receiving:
• Donations are tax deductible. You’ll receive a receipt from each nonprofit you choose.
• Every donor receives a gift certificate from Napa Valley CanDo good for treats during January 2020 from wonderful, supportive local businesses: Anette’s Chocolates, Ritual Coffee Roasters, Napa Valley Art Supplies, Tannery Bend Beerworks, and The CIA at Copia.
• Wednesdays and Saturdays a handful of donors, chosen at random, receive incentive gifts valued at $100 or more. And on Mondays, all donors from the previous week are eligible for a prize. Participating NPOs provide the gifts.
• What else do you receive? That Tiny Tim, “God bless us, everyone” feeling. Your donation shows that you’re filled with the spirit of this holiday season. You help ensure that these important nonprofits will continue to serve Napa County.
• YOU make a difference ... and you’ve made Santa smile.