By Kathleen Reynolds
The month of May is the Vine Trail’s fun fitness LOCO-MOTION Month of Movement Annual Fundraiser. The goal is raising $400,000 to complete the gap in trail sections between Calistoga and St. Helena. Participants can walk, hike, run or cycle on or off the Vine Trail. It is open to all ages. LOCO-MOTION is dedicated to creating an interactive virtual, fitness and fundraising challenge for both individuals and teams.
“Last year, we had over 400 people participate, and we want to double that this year,” says Rebecca Kotch, the event producer. “People can join from anywhere, even virtually; they don’t have to be from the Napa Valley. You can log in miles from wherever you are. But for folks in the Napa area, we’re hosting a series of free in-person walks, runs, and rides.”
“They set their fitness or fundraising goal and complete it individually, start their own team or join an existing team” says Kotch. “Forty-two teams have registered early. Dogs are welcome too. We will even have meetups organized by different groups that depart throughout the valley.”
“Donations start at $47 and there are prizes for accomplishing different goals. Some prizes include logo hats, thermal mugs and Vine Trail footprints. All LOCO-MOTION participants donating $47 or more will receive a complimentary Vine Trail membership along with fun incentives.”
Goals can be mileage, fundraising or team goals. Fitness activities can be combined, for instance walking and biking.
Meetups include a bike ride from St. Helena, a hike at Skyline Park by the Sierra Club, a run group starting in Yountville, a Rail Arts District (RAD) walk in Napa along with others.
Since 2008, the non-profit Napa Valley Vine Trail Coalition has spearheaded the fundraising, construction and maintenance of a 47-mile biking and walking trail from the Vallejo Ferry Terminal to Calistoga, CA. The Month of Movement is their way to get more people outdoors (anywhere) and celebrate their support for the trail-building mission.
For further information about LOCO-MOTION, the non-profit Vine Trail and donations, check the website vinetrail.org/LOCOMOTION. Click SIGN UP to register. Meetup dates, times and locations will also be posted and updated there. Registration fees, considered a donation, are $47 for individuals and Community teams. For more information or to become a sponsor, visit vinetrail.org/locomotion or email locomotion@vinetrail.org.