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Napa Valley Marketplace Magazine

Napa County’s 4th Annual Fall Faire

Updated: Jan 1

Mark your calendars for this free event! because you are in for a real treat, it’s where Science meets Carnival! As you may or may not know, UC Master Gardeners pride themselves on providing science-based information for home gardeners through workshops, Library talks, etc. and will not disappoint with the Fall Faire.The following booths will be set up to provide a meaningful experience:

Info Desk/ Help Desk - Entry desk will have MGs on duty to answer general garden questions, MG Training info, provide the Fall Faire site maps, and handout the event Passports for children.

Healthy Soil – Climate Smart - Learn about how healthy soil retains more water and can sequester carbon to mitigate climate change.

Composting - Traditional ways to produce compost for the garden using compostable food waste and garden waste.

Fire Science - Will cover fire science and adapting landscapes in fire prone areas.

Good Bugs/Bad Bugs - Everything you need to know about beneficial insects in your garden, as well as recognizing the bad guys.

Pollinators - Bees, birds, bats, and butterflies and the plants they love.

Tisanes - Herbal Fusion - Easily grown garden plants for making herbal teas. Basic technique for infusing. 

Herb Crafts and Seeds - Seed giveaway and crafts from the garden.

Tooling around the Garden - Physical therapist will demonstrate special adaptive tools, as well as ways to avoid injury while working in the garden.

Garlands from your Garden - Have a garland made and learn about plants to grow that make good cut flowers for your home.

Las Flores Learning Garden - Information about the Napa Master Gardeners’ Learning Garden at Las Flores Community Center.

Succulents Q & A - Everything you want and need to know about growing and enjoying succulents. Grab a succulent clipping too!

Bulbs - The beauty and benefits of growing bulbs. Bulbs are inherently drought tolerant. There will be a bulb and rhizome giveaway.

All About Lavender - Get your questions answered about lavender, different varieties, what happens when you water too often because lavender is a drought tolerant plant.

Invasive Species - How to watch out for and identify Invasive Species.

Grow Vegetables All Year - Activity for kids: growing and eating a rainbow of vegetables.  Activity for adults: sort seed packets into summer vs. winter vegetables.

Bee-utiful Bees - How bees play a crucial role in pollination.

And to make this Faire even more fabulous, the following community partners will be on hand to offer more valuable information: 

Napa Resource Conservation District (NRCD) - To Till or Not to Till: info and demos on the benefits of reducing tillage.  

Napa Water Conservation - Everything you need to know about the latest in water conservation in Napa. Bring your own water bottles and fill them at the water bar.

Napa Climate NOW! - City of Napa Leaf Blower Rebate program and California Clean Air Day.

City of Napa Recycling - Recycling and composting information. 

Our Water – Our World - Using water efficiently presented by an IPM advocate [less toxic pest management]. 

Napa Parks - Park ranger available to answer questions about your city parks.

Dirt Girls - Monarch conservation and migration activity.

California Native Plant Society Napa Valley - Plants will be on display along with information about their annual Fall plant sale.

Napa Valley Bonsai Club - Will demonstrate bonsai plants and techniques for growing them successfully.

Napa Solano Audubon Society - Featuring Hummingbird feeders made from water bottles.

Friends of the Napa Library - Library Book giveaway.

To further enhance your enjoyment at the Fall Faire, take a stroll along the lineup of creative Scarecrows designed by the Master Gardeners and vote for your favorite. Stop for a while to have a bite to eat and something to drink from La Condesa Taqueria Food Truck while you enjoy live music from Not Dead Yet and Ukeladies. Don’t forget to say hello to the ever-popular Audrey II, the life-size talking carnivorous plant, who will invite you to “feed” her with dollars, if you are so inclined. And don’t forget to pick up that Passport card for the kids to get stamped at the various science booths because not only is it fun, but they will learn something too.

See you at the Fall Faire! 



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