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Compline Family Meal for Local Industry Workers

Napa Valley Marketplace Magazine

By Craig Smith

Vivian Lin is the Mandarin Program Manager for Wine Sales at Beaulieu Vineyard. She hasn’t received a paycheck since March, and won’t until restrictions are lifted and she can return to work. For now, she’s unemployed. When a friend forwarded the information about the $5 Family Meal Compline Restaurant and Wine Bar is offering, she jumped on it. “I can get a good meal for my son and me for only $10. You can’t beat that,” she said.

This is actually the second round of how Matt ​Stamp and Ryan Stetins, co-owners of Compline Restaurant and Wine Bar, have pitched in to help the community since the outbreak of the virus. Initially they started delivering hot, nutritious balanced meals to front-line hospital workers and other first responders at no charge to them. In two months, through mid May, they delivered over 5,300 meals.

“It’s been extremely gratifying,” said Stamp. “Now we are looking at ways to extend help to people in our local industry family who are suffering. So, in the tradition of restaurant ‘family meals,’ we invite everyone in our local industry who has lost their job to join us for a daily family meal.”

These takeout family meals are offered from their patio from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday for $5. The meals are made to be reheated, and portions are generous. It’s all first come, first served – Compline will prepare and sell 100 meals a day.

These aren’t just mediocre, TV Dinner style meals, either. The first day of the program, the menu was Napa Lamb Tagine with Rice. Day two featured Carnitas Tacos, Salsa Verde, and Beans & Rice, and the menu for the third day was Pasta Bolognese with Beef. The two Compline partners are committed to that level of food for at least a couple of month, the expected duration of the program.

The only request that ​Stamp and Stetins make is that people purchase meals using either a California issued Bank of America debit card, which are automatically provided to anyone collecting unemployment, or with cash. When it was time for Lin to pay for her meals, she happily pulled out her state-issued debit card.

Compline loses money on every meal it serves, and is only able to do so because of their partnership with ​, who also helped Compline provide free meals to first responders. Nick Devlin, CEO, fully endorses Compline’s commitment to support the community, and said this: “We are very conscious that the impact of COVID-19 has fallen unevenly, and often the greatest weight has been upon individuals in hospitality, vineyards and cellars who have limited resources to fall back upon. is delighted to partner with Compline to launch this initiative to support these workers who are the bedrock of our local economy and our industry.”

The program is a benefit to Compline as well. “This has enabled us to keep many of our employees on the payroll and in the kitchen, where they want to be.” Robert Dubben is the normally Captain and Staff Sommelier at Compline. For these programs, he’s been in the kitchen. “I actually have a culinary background, so this has enabled me to get back to food. It’s been refreshing,” he said.

1300 First Street #312 in Napa | Clay and Randolph by the Cork Oak Tree | (707) 492-8150

Everyday from 11:30am to 8:30pm |


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