“We look for shows that we would like to attend,” shared Evy Warshawski, a partner in the all-volunteer nonprofit that was created in 2015. “While there are many performers who create work specifically for younger audiences, we want to find those artists who have not played Napa and bring something new and fresh to our community.”
Interaction between artist and audience is also a key factor in choosing a show. Free pre-show arts activities often relate to the shows on stage. And, kids love being chosen to come up and participate – it gives them “bragging rights” to friends and family. Post-show, performers can be found in the lobby after each show for “meet and greets,” photos and a friendly handshake!
Sing Along MOANA September 16 Disney’s 2016 computer-animated film tells the story of Moana, the strong-willed daughter of a chief of a Polynesian tribe, chosen by the ocean itself to reunite a mystical relic with a goddess. When the blight strikes her island, Moana sets sail in search of Maui, a legendary demigod, in the hope of saving her people. Sing along to 35 songs with words on the movie screen! (Come in costume and compete for fun prizes.)
Erth’s Dinosaur Zoo Live October 7
Get ready for the ultimate playdate - 65 million years in the making! You’ll observe, meet and interact with an eye-popping collection of amazingly life-like dinosaurs and other creatures presented in a theatrical performance that will thrill and entertain kids. Brought to life by a team of skilled performers and puppeteers, and designed with the help of professional paleontologists, the puppets are so realistic, you may feel the urge to run and hide - but don’t! (Recommended for ages 5 and up.)
Doktor Kaboom
“Lookout, SCIENCE is Coming!”
January 14, 2018
Creatively blending theatre arts with the wonders of scientific exploration, David Epley, also known as Doktor Kaboom, keeps his crowds riveted with interest and rolling with laughter. Join Kaboom for a sidesplitting, interactive journey of increasingly spectacular (and often successful) science experiments designed to involve, excite, educate and entertain. (Best for ages 7 and above.)
“We couldn’t bring these delightful shows to Napa without the incredible generosity of sponsors, donors, grants and partnerships,” Warshawski notes, “and we’re so lucky to be in a place where arts and culture thrive. It’s an honor to share these opportunities with young hearts and minds.”
Save the Date - Saturday, February 24! E & M are cooking up the return engagement of a “Really BIG Show” sure to please the whole family!
E & M Presents “Kidding Around!” for kids and families
Saturday, September 16 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm
Erth’s Dinosaur Zoo Live
Saturday, October 7 1:00 pm & 3:00 pm
Doktor Kaboom “Lookout, SCIENCE is Coming!”
Sunday, January 14, 2018 1:00 pm & 3:00 pm
Tickets are on sale online at EandMPresents.Eventbrite.com
Napa Valley College Performing Arts Center
2277 Napa Vallejo Highway, Napa
For information, call (707) 224-4353 or EandMPresents.org
Shows are sponsored by Napa Valley Marketplace Magazine, Mechanics Bank, The Gasser Foundation, The Doctors Company and Shanahan Orthodontics.